Moringa Powder

65 Reviews

Product of Zambia

Nature's finest multivitamin, nutrient-potent product that comes from the moringa tree.

Mix it, drink it, and love it!

Moringa oleifera leaf powder is a plant-based superfood grown by COMACO farmers for their own nutrition and for yours as well. Praised for its health benefits in the recent years, moringa leaves are rich in minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and other essential phytochemicals.

With Moringa powder, it's easy to enjoy the benefits of nature's own natural nutrients. Add it to a smoothie, sprinkle it on a salad, add it to a vegetable, or turn it into a morning tea boost its flavor with lemon and honey.

Take it regularly and you’ll see the change – fewer colds, more energy, and a better well-being.

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